Three simple words, and yet I would venture to guess most of us forget this quite often.
You Are Loved
My friend Chris Brogan mentioned them in his newsletter this morning.
I wrote back to Chris and told him after everything I had been through in 2015, that was the one shining piece of knowledge I gleaned.
It has been a rough year for many. I wish I knew why. Then I could have waved a magic wand and made life easier for everyone.
In our house we made it through. We survived three life threatening surgeries, and two little extra non-surgical weeks at the hospital.
Sadly right in the middle of all of that, we also were forced to bear the loss of our tiny Havanese Stormy. I lost a piece of my heart that day.
I spent time back in a wheelchair, once again accompanied by a companion. This time for almost 7 months.
But I made it through.
I made it through because of you…
Because of your notes. Your positive thoughts. Your phone calls and of course your prayers.
You told me I was loved.
I want to tell you in no uncertain terms…
YOU are loved.
And I am blessed to have you in my life.
Thank you so very much ~ hugs, Cyd
I am back painting in a studio my husband set up for me in the house for now. I can’t wait to get out to my “art sanctuary”. It will be soon.. ♥