I went on another photo shoot with my son today. I think we are going to make this a weekly occurrence whenever we can. I bought his old camera with a telephoto lens. Now I should be able to get some nice landscape and wildlife shots for painting. Or at least once I learn how to use it. lol. My little point and shoot is fun, and works for flowers and such…but just doesn’t cut it for other things.
Today we went to Rocky Mountain National Park. We came across a huge herd of Big Horn Sheep on this trip, and spent most of the time shooting them. Then we went over to one of the rapids areas, where my son was just a little more brave than me. I stood on the road and let him make his way down to the water for that “perfect” shot.
I really enjoy these outing and they let me get away from the easels and get a chance to enjoy what I am painting.