I know I have been off the grid for a while. That is because totally out of the blue, my studio became the home of 5 Border Collie puppies. Not something I was expecting! But my cousin needed some help, and we do what we need to for family, right? I thought I would let you see a little of what the last 6 weeks were like. LOL

This box arrived on my doorstep (with mom of course) on June 4th.

Pups on 6-4-13

Pups on 6-4-13

This is a few days later with mom. It was something of a challenge as Jean, their mom, is a mega-champion herding dog and not exactly used to living in an art studio. After all, the only cattle I have is a painting of some Watusi’s I did a few years ago. *grin*

Jean and pups. One week old.

Jean and pups. One week old.

Never having had a litter of Borders before…I was having a little bit of a hard time telling them apart at first. So we painted their toenails, and their names temporarily became Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink, and Coral.  I guess if I was a mathematician they would have been One, Two, Three, etc. :)

So all this got me to thinking, I really could use a studio dog. Art is a lonely business. And it would be fun to do obedience and agility again as my health permitted. And if I wanted to go out and Plein Aire paint, I would feel a lot more secure if I had a dog with me.

So… Meet my new studio buddy, Coral. Like how cute is she?

Coral at 4 weeks. With tunnel, crate and Fitpaw.

Coral at 4 weeks. With tunnel, crate and Fitpaw.

All of the other puppies will be gone by Friday, their 7 week birthday. Then we will get down to becoming best buds, and she will start learning what we do and don’t do in the studio. I never could teach Ernie to stay away from the Pyrole Orange paint. *grin*

I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July. I have missed you. Hope to be back on shortly with some new paintings.

~ Cyd ♥